Has God Called Your Name?

Has God Called Your Name? Jesus said… rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven (Luke 10:20) In Scripture, when God calls someone's name twice, it followed the person was soon to be elevated to a greater height. A few examples, Jesus Christ called, “Simon, Simon” (Luke 22:31); “Martha, Martha” (Luke 10:41); “Saul, Saul” (Acts 9:4). (...to be continued soon...)

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Sign of the Dove

This day, bright and early morning, opened my door to this beautiful rainbow arcing through a gigantic pure white cloud, fluffed up and filling high and wide a perfect blue sky. Quick, took a picture and just as quick, in front of my eyes a beautiful sight changed to glorious. First, the rainbow brightened, all colors especially the purple. The cloud opened up, top of center to form a heart around blue sky – the colorful rainbow stream crowning above...

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Divine Plan

Open Letter to My Priests - Seeking Spiritual Guidance. The Divine Plan - a Pope and a President united in faith secretly set out together to bring down the evil Soviet empire, the dreadful Berlin Wall and murderous Communist-Marxist bloc that had plagued the world for nearly a century. They succeed. Without a shot fired. One of the greatest peaceful triumphs of freedom in history. How? Today, humanity is being rapidly overtaken by a dark culture of persecution, a global...

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Aces Pink Bone Broth

Some might say I’m lucky. I like to consider myself simply blessed. My great grandmother was someone I always looked up to, so I followed in her culinary footsteps and developed an exceptional beef bone broth recipe that helped immensely during my chemotherapy and ongoing breast cancer treatments. Picture the larger than life stock pot cooking nonstop on the stove. Great-grandmother’s simmered 24/7 in my family’s restaurant, Seven Corners, way back in the day in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY. True...

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Aces Pink!

I wish I’d taken a picture of my oncologists’ beaming faces, they were smiling ear to ear. They’d never seen anyone come out of one, much less six, rigorous chemotherapy sessions this healthy. Obviously, I was shocked and elated. They asked (inspired) me to share my secret with as many people as possible. After my sixth and final chemo exam, they happily clapped their hands saying they would approve me for surgery that very day. What makes this remarkable is,...

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