Surviving Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy Side Effects, Surgery, Mastectomy and Beyond.
Having a potentially life-threatening disease like cancer often leads people to examine their lives and look for meaning. In fact, this search for meaning may be the aspect of cancer that most often has a positive influence on life. The fear of death that affects most people when they are diagnosed with cancer, often leads us to think about what we leave behind and what we would like to do with the time we have left. It can make you feel like it’s the quality of life, not just the quantity, which matters most. Quality of life means different things to different people. What’s most important is that you figure out what it means for you. You may also find that having been diagnosed with cancer changes how you think about what is important in life. You may decide to spend more time with family or friends or make time to do something you had put off. You may decide to volunteer for an organization doing good work. You may decide to leave a troubled marriage, go back to school, or look for a new job. Or you may decide to participate more in activities that you feel give your life joy and meaning.
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The Amazing Pink Team
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Mom says your recipe is a big reason for her success, keeping up her strength! She’s now cancer free! Back to her old self, played 18 holes of golf which is taxing at any age. – Tequesta FL